Tuesday 15 March 2011

15/03/2011 - The life of a Packet

Afternoon all,

Today we had a new starter in the class so we ran him through the basics of what we covered so far in the course.

After he had a rough idea of what we had done, we started work on as you can see from the title:
"The life of a Packet."

This involved how a packet is transported across a network which would be okay but I found it quite hard relating to the OSI model which I would say I am rather weak on.

Next Tuesday we will be doing more practical by setting up a WLAN.

So until next Tuesday, Goodbye.

08/03/2011 - Practical (Setting up a Network)

Good morning,

Unfortunately I did not update this blog last Tuesday so today there will be two posts!

Last Tuesday as you can see from the title we set up a network. This was a more hands on experience for the class. We were told to fire up four computers (when we found ones that actually worked) and then linked them together through a Switch. Once we had all PCs up and running and connected through the switch we had to assign all of them a different static IP. When the IPs were all configured we had to test the connection by Pinging all PCs from each PC. Once we knew they were all talking to each other we had to share a folder over the network.

Once this had been done we had to put everything away and write up some documentation on how we did it, this was good practice for working on the HelpDesk because it is important to take note so that if you are absent then someone can pick up from where you left.

So until this afternoon, Goodbye.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Week 2

Yes that's right it's Tuesday again already!

This week at college we got a bit more technical with what we are learning. We created a document on Networking covering LANs, WANS, VLANs, IP, Addressing Schemes and Ports. This was enjoyable as the content was nice and technical in places. After that we had a short PowerPoint on the basics of Networks just to refresh our knowledge. In the afternoon was key skills in which we made a Questionnaire which we need to get filled out for next week in order to analyse the results.

That's college done until next Tuesday.

Thanks for reading,
